Kylie Fox Kylie Fox

The Breakup Club’s Journey from Rock Bottom to Empowerment

It all begins with an idea.

One day, while scrolling through Instagram, I came across a quote that said, “When you’re at your worst, you can only get better.”

It stuck with me: "The best part of being at rock bottom is that there is only one way to go from there [up]. It impacted me and began to be a quote I would use for advice toward friends and something I would tell myself when I felt things would never get better.

Then, I had this idea to uplift people from rock bottom, which turned into Breakup Club. I worked on Breakup Club for months, learning many things about starting my own business from scratch and how to make things happen, but something inside of me was still holding back.

Then I hit rock bottom. Suddenly, Breakup Club was the only thing on my mind, my passion, and my light through the darkness. Breakup Club went from an idea I was playing around with, struggling with how I wanted to approach it, but it became easy once I hit rock bottom.

That's what Breakup Club is about.

I have gone through heartbreaking moments in my life, from losing someone to breakups to friendship endings and a whole other list of times in my life where I was genuinely heartbroken. I would always go to others for advice, listen, and let their voice be the voice in my head.

I learned that your voice is the only voice that belongs to your brain. The narrative lies within you, and the authentic healing doesn’t come from advice but from taking time to process, feel, hurt, cry, and not forget to do so with compassion while living life.

That’s Breakup Club. We aren’t here to promise to heal you. We are here to help you navigate when you are feeling heartbroken in a healthy way that can lead to a positive experience, leaving you feeling empowered rather than losing yourself by not acknowledging the pain.

To do so, we will guide you through helpful information that will help you heal yourself—coinciding with a list of products curated to navigate the pain and remind you to have fun while you are hurting.

It’s a new approach to helping those who feel stuck and desperate for someone to give them answers to help make sense of the situation and ultimately let go of the problem.

So many of us have these moments in life that leave such a profound impact, but we never fully acknowledge and give the proper care to them. Then, a situation arises, and you overreact or become triggered because it reminds you of how you felt. If you accept the pain, process it, and let it go, you get to continue living excited for what life will throw at you next because you will feel empowered and capable of being assertive and healing yourself the next time life throws you a hardball.

If you have yet to see the movie The Breakfast Club, you should. But whether you have it or not, the film's message is clear.

As humans, we are confined to be one thing, to fit one definition that explains the entirety of ourselves. The movie shows that we are and can be a million different things simultaneously as we continue growing each day and making new connections. Cliques don't mix, but there's usually a happy ending when they do.

That's where the name comes from.

Sorry, there's no crazy breakup story here. It's an authentic brand that comes from the heart and is confident and excited for the world to accept this thought process.

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Kylie Fox Kylie Fox

Heartbreak : Where the Magic Happens.

The Breakup Club is a celebration for those at rock bottom, because sometimes you end up there, and the only place to go from there is up.

The first of its kind, our company and community provides a safe space for everyone from "it girls" to "nerds" to the girl who looks like she has it all figured out. Breakup club is not just for girls; it's for everyone. Everyone is faced with heartbreak, and even those who don’t want to read cheesy Instagram quotes while they cry and listen to sad music could use a little love.


At Breakup Club we are ready to openly discuss and normalize the raw emotions and struggles of breakups. We acknowledge heartbreak as a genuine source of pain. By embracing breakups' ugly and glamorous aspects, we strive to empower individuals to navigate their pain and use it as a transformative force.

Our logo is a heart with devil ears. We are here to support you and heal with you, but we also believe in giving some tough love to our members and being a little naughty sometimes.

In life, when shit hits the fan, and your boyfriend dumps you, or your girlfriend cheats then ghosts you, or that meeting you thought would be a promotion turned into them letting you go, you're left thinking, “Well, now what?”

These stressful and heartbreaking moments in life when gone unchecked are also triggering for a more serious mental health reaction.

The Breakup Club is designed to help you deal with the onset of heartbreak and encourage you to heal by talking about it, laughing at yourself, crying until your eyes dry up, and partying even when you feel like the party should end.

Let's try to understand our heartbreak deeper and work through it together. Often, our reactions reflect what is happening inside that no one can see. Similarly, you cannot control the actions of those around you, whose reactions reflect what’s happening inside.

Overthinking does not heal and can lead to us thinking we are going crazy for still caring about something that happened ages ago. Thinking about something and keeping it to yourself can make the trigger feel like everything in life is going wrong.

Your heart needs to regain some of the love lost in the heartbreak. If we can work through heartbreak individually, it won't become a heavy burden we must carry daily. Instead, the healing process will give you an aura that will make you shine.

You can transform who you are at your most vulnerable points during heartbreak. Breakups are an opportunity for growth and transformation.

When your heart first breaks, this is where the magic happens.

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Kylie Fox Kylie Fox

Anxiety in all Shapes & Sizes

Anxiety comes in all shapes and sizes. It creeps up on you when you wake up in the morning, just trying to get through your day, or at night when all you want to do is rest.

The world is a trigger. Every day, we face triggering moments that lead to anxiety surfacing. Anxiety comes from trying to make the world a comfortable place without any triggers. Instead, if you attempt to find comfort within yourself and walk past all the triggers unbothered, you'll end up suffering less.

Being comfortable in one's own skin can be difficult. Comfort can be confused with confidence, but even the most confident people struggle with feeling good inside themselves.

Paying attention to how you feel around people is very telling. Your body knows what your brain sometimes can't make sense of yet. Sometimes, anxiety can be overwhelming, making you feel like a skeleton trapped inside a restless body. Isolation may seem like an alternative, but it can lead to overthinking and create an unbearable world inside your head. Regarding relationships, quality is more important than quantity—surrounding yourself with people who make you feel comfortable and at ease is essential.

Growing up, we were often surrounded by groups of friends who did things together. It's easy to feel like you must fit into a particular mold to belong. As you age, you discover who you are and what you want from life. This process can be uncomfortable, but it's essential to care for yourself and remember that everyone is just trying to figure it out. No one tells you how uncomfortable that is. You learn to care for yourself because you realize everyone is alone, just trying to figure it out.

Breakup Club is about learning to be comfortable in your skin, about being who you want to be, entirely unapologetically. Life is supposed to be fun, and even during our most challenging, most uncomfortable moments, we must remember to celebrate the good. Breakup Club is your best friend when it feels like you're entirely alone in this world.

Together, we will learn to walk past our triggers with our heads held high, feeling completely comfortable not only in our skin but in this world we call a beautiful life <3

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